These puzzles are available to play online.
Neuronics is a puzzle game; the aim of the game is to bring matching symbols together
to remove them.
The Nowotnik Puzzle
In this puzzle game a grid of tiles is jumbled and the objective of the game is to
restore the original state of the grid. However, moving a tile affects many
other tiles.
Pentominoes is a tile stacking puzzle, with thousands of variations.
The 12 Coins Puzzle
This is an online implementation of the famous 12 coins puzzle. There are 12 coins,
all identical in appearance, and all identical in weight except for one, which is
either heavier or lighter than the remaining 11 coins. Determine which is the
counterfeit coin, and whether it is lighter or heavier than the real coins, in only
3 weightings with a balance scale.
The goal of the puzzle is to assemble a molecule by moving its constituent atoms
The trouble is that once moved, the atoms will continue moving until they hit an
obstacle (such as a block or another atom).
The target molecule to be constructed is shown above the playing area. This molecule
can be dragged over the playing area to see where it fits.
A remake of the classic puzzle game.
A remake of the classic puzzle game.